Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Zoo time

We celebrated Greg's birthday and took advantage of Easter break by heading to the zoo in Baltimore.  It's days like these that I don't miss Minnesota at all.  The weather was beautiful.  Upper 70s and a slight breeze.  Not even a threat of rain, let alone snow.  We were joined by friends for a wonderful day.

Gregory's favorite was the polar bear.  And I do have to say that it was quite neat to see one so close up.
Maggie wasn't sure which animal she liked best.  But she sure loved the zoo map.  She insisted on carrying it around and checking it after every animal.  This basically consisted of her handing the map to me and asking where we were.  I'd show her, tell her what was next and we'd be on our way. 

The kids also got the chance to feed a giraffe.  They went right up to him and handed him his leaves.  I was very surprised they didn't freak out.  (Perhaps making them pick up earth worms while gardening and making them smoosh their own bugs is starting to give them thicker skin.)

Joseph just slept or nursed the whole time.  Perhaps next time he'll be more interested in the animals. 

Maggie (extremely exasperated): "Mom, I don't know why you keep folding the map before giving it back to me.  I just have to unfold it every time." 

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